Fine Art Friday–Glacier Landscape–Argentina

Happy Friday!  I just gave a walking tour and it was deceptively cold out there.  When winter seems to drag on, I like to remind myself of how beautiful snow and ice can be.  I shot this while hiking on top of a glacier during an amazing trip to Argentina and Chile a few years ago.  On the hike, we spotted clear lagoons, rushing streams, and deathly crevasses. Your monitor doesn’t do justice to just how turquoise that water was–truly spectacular.  This ice field accounts for the world’s third largest reserve of fresh water, and is one of the only glaciers in the world that is not retreating.  Here are few more photos from an earlier post.  Have a great weekend–enjoy the winter weather!

Perito Moreno Glacier, El Calafate, Argentina

Golf Carts, Oranges, and Rain, Oh My!–Hutchinson Island, Florida

Florida. Land of…retirees, oranges, tax advantages, non-native pythons, and sunshine. Or so I’m told.  I recently spent a week at lovely Sailfish Point and with the exception of one day, it either rained or was windy and 55 degrees.  I know what you’re thinking, 55? That’s balmy!  but it was not what I had envisioned while over packing my bathing suits and flip flops. The weather required a little imagination to entertain three kids under age two, but we managed some beautiful beach walking (amazing shells were everywhere),  and fun golf cart cruising–I’ve concluded that a golf cart would be the ideal solution to getting around NYC.  It also gave me some quality time with the extended family and a nice little break from my computer screen.

I limited myself to one camera and my 50mm lens on this trip.  Here are a few shots from the week.  I was immediately drawn to a wooden footpath on the beach, and love the photos that resulted.  I’ve always thought that images of children running in mid-stride–carefree, arms flying, happy–depict the essence of childhood.  Happy Wednesday!




Baby Lila » Sarah Greig Photography - February 27, 2013 - 12:38 am

[…] and rarely cried.  I adored her flirty smiles (see below) and gorgeous eyelashes, as well as her big brother‘s fascination with new baby “I-Lou”.  Congrats Kaitlin and Nick–she is one amazing […]

Damma (that's what he calls me!) - February 27, 2013 - 11:53 am

This is the most beautiful photo of our Jamie that I’ve ever seen! Thank you so much, Sarah, for capturing everything that he is. You are so talented

Fine Art Friday–Slowing Down–Stuart, FL

Happy Friday!  I’m posting from Florida, where my family is taking a much needed mini-break from the cluttered chaos of our usual weekly schedule.  I thought this image perfectly summed up the need to sometimes just sit. just breathe. just think for three minutes. just look out on the horizon.  It’s easy to forget and hard to do, but necessary every once in awhile.  Read that magazine, grab a coffee and leisurely sit in a booth with it, practice yoga, turn off your cell phone, go for a long walk with your favorite songs playing, start a good book…the list could go on.  Here’s to finding your own version of two Adirondack chairs to recharge your batteries this weekend.

Fine Art Friday–Calm Before the Storm–Riverside Park–New York, NY

Not so much Fine Art today as a shout out to Mother Nature.  I shot this image in Riverside Park in 2010 during the snowiest February on record in NYC.  It feels like it hasn’t snowed since.  By Saturday, things should be looking similar.  Yay. Finally. My daughter is nearing age 2 and has never seen a real snowstorm.

Those who know me well are aware of my obsession with all things weather.  On any given day, I can usually tell you the high and low temp, the percent chance for precipitation, and the sunset time.  I love a good 10 day forecast.  Perhaps because my schedule is dictated by the weather, for both photography (think weddings, outdoor portraits) and teaching (I lead architectural walking tours during the school year to 1st and 2nd graders).  So Mother Nature has a big say in my plans, but another part of me just loves getting under the covers at the end of the day and watching The Weather Channel.  First of all, I love their meteorologist’s ridiculous excitement and alarmist tendencies when it comes to “severe weather”…who doesn’t want to see Jim Cantore screaming into a microphone while his face is whipped with rain and water rises around him?  He’s all drama.  But mostly I love seeing the national forecast map and checking out the weather in all of the places that I have lived.  65 and sunny in Monterey?  Seems like it’s always 65 and sunny there.  Whenever I see this forecast (and torture myself with it as a favorite on my iPhone too), a small part of me dies inside that I chose to move from the Monterey Peninsula back to this dead tundra.  10 degrees and windy in Missoula?  Thank god I lived there in the summertime.  And San Diego?  Well, the weather there was just…boring.  When I lived there,  I didn’t need a Weather Channel dose, because it was the same every day…beautiful, but the same.  Boston?  Most of the time I do not miss your weather, but I am a New England gal who loves a good Nor’easter, and right about now I’m wishing that I still lived up there.

Ok, back to my Nemo storm coverage. Have a fun snowy weekend everyone!

Do you have a fun snowstorm memory? Share it with us!