Golf Carts, Oranges, and Rain, Oh My!–Hutchinson Island, Florida

Florida. Land of…retirees, oranges, tax advantages, non-native pythons, and sunshine. Or so I’m told.  I recently spent a week at lovely Sailfish Point and with the exception of one day, it either rained or was windy and 55 degrees.  I know what you’re thinking, 55? That’s balmy!  but it was not what I had envisioned while over packing my bathing suits and flip flops. The weather required a little imagination to entertain three kids under age two, but we managed some beautiful beach walking (amazing shells were everywhere),  and fun golf cart cruising–I’ve concluded that a golf cart would be the ideal solution to getting around NYC.  It also gave me some quality time with the extended family and a nice little break from my computer screen.

I limited myself to one camera and my 50mm lens on this trip.  Here are a few shots from the week.  I was immediately drawn to a wooden footpath on the beach, and love the photos that resulted.  I’ve always thought that images of children running in mid-stride–carefree, arms flying, happy–depict the essence of childhood.  Happy Wednesday!




Baby Lila » Sarah Greig Photography - February 27, 2013 - 12:38 am

[…] and rarely cried.  I adored her flirty smiles (see below) and gorgeous eyelashes, as well as her big brother‘s fascination with new baby “I-Lou”.  Congrats Kaitlin and Nick–she is one amazing […]

Damma (that's what he calls me!) - February 27, 2013 - 11:53 am

This is the most beautiful photo of our Jamie that I’ve ever seen! Thank you so much, Sarah, for capturing everything that he is. You are so talented