Baby Lila

They say that second children just go with the flow, and Lila is living proof of this.  In the six days that I recently spent with her, this eight-week-old logged 12 hours of sleep a night, dined at adult restaurants, traveled everywhere in the Bjorn, and rarely cried.  I adored her flirty smiles (see below) and gorgeous eyelashes, as well as her big brother‘s fascination with new baby “I-Lou”.  Congrats Kaitlin and Nick–she is one amazing infant!

Lila's Dad - February 27, 2013 - 9:09 am

Baby Eye-Lu looks beautiful. Credit to the photographer!

K. Farrell - February 27, 2013 - 10:34 am

Gorgeous baby and creative and talented photographer. Love Lila’s smiles!

William S. Brandt - February 27, 2013 - 11:14 am

The only thing more beautiful than Sarah’s positively brilliant photos is holding Lila in your arms and feeling the warmth of that smile.

Lila’s Plymouth MA Grandparents