That is the question.
Fantasy: A fragrant tree appears in our living room (already in a tree stand) on December 1st. Maybe we’ve even driven somewhere and chopped one down during a light snowfall. Christmas carols play in the background as we cheerily sip cocoa and add white lights and story-filled ornaments. The tree skirt is then piled with wrapped presents (discreetly organized for their destinations- home, NJ, or CT). We gaze adoringly at our twinkling tree until January 2nd, when the tree fairy arrives to remove it, store the ornaments, and vacuum our apartment and stairwell.
Reality: We live in New York City. Getting a tree consists of walking to a tree stand (read: a mobile home driven down from Canada that parks on one street for 6 weeks, strings up lights, and creates a pop up sidewalk shop.) Choosing a favorite tree is a challenge; most are tied up so all you can see are the height and the needles, not how the tree looks in all of its free, loose glory. Yes, they will cut one open for you, but what is the fun in that guessing game? Once we’ve chosen a tree and paid half of our mortgage for it ($20 a foot, please tell me that is not normal), my husband still has to hoist it over a shoulder and carry it home (handsome lumberjack style) one avenue west and three streets south. This usually produces a lot of sweating, cursing, and muttering of statements like “just so you know, we’re NOT doing this again next year.” If at last we make it home in one piece, the tree still has to be carried up our stoop and then FOUR flights of stairs. Mind you, we’ve already spent a few hours in our brownstone’s basement attempting to dislodge our holiday bin with ever hidden tree holder, ornaments, and lights from a mountain of items added on top of it in the last 12 months, including baby bathtubs, bumbos, and huge clothing containers labeled NB, 6-12 months, 12-18 months. So yes, by the time we reach that 4th floor landing, there is plenty of baditude to go around. And we haven’t even begun the fun process of leveling it in the stand while attempting to jam it against a wall and between two bookcases. Bah humbug, I know.
However, once the tree is up and lit, we understand and remember the magic. But the magic only lasts until December 23rd, when we depart for many large family gatherings and beyond. Fast forward to January 2nd. We arrive home after 85 trips up and down the stairs (do I love the stairs?) schlepping presents, dirty laundry, camera equipment, a toddler…you name it. We are greeted by a lifeless, shedding tree that needs to be removed immediately but must be taken down the stairs IN a tree bag ON the correct removal day OR ELSE (we live in a co-op with a rule book thicker than a phone book). And I honestly don’t think there is anything more depressing than taking down a Christmas tree–the ornament removal and storage, the restringing of lights–it all makes me nostalgic and sad.
So every year we have the debate…should we even bother with a tree? How about a beautiful wreath instead?
This Year’s Winner: REALITY! We just returned from the pop-up shop next to the Museum of Natural History, where we chose our beautiful 6 footer (one of the only unwrapped ones), and I know it was a beauty because 2 other couples tried to buy it and then congratulated us when they were told that it was sold. My hubby hoisted it over his shoulder and schlepped it home in a steady rain, taking out branches and strollers along the way. It looked painful. There was sweating and swearing. A kind soul even stopped us halfway and said “hey buddy, how far are you going? Can I help you? I see you are with your wife and baby…my wife is expecting, so that may be me next year!” (heartwarming and unexpected) But my husband powered on solo and made it back to our place, up the many stairs, and voila! Christmas has arrived at 202.
It was worth it. It always is. The new tree skirt (love!) is in place and half of our lights are up. Pandora is playing “Rockin’ Holidays” and all is good. Someday I may even look back fondly on that quaint little pop-up tree stand parked in front of the imposing museum. Yes, we may have to deal with a dead tree in a few weeks, but it’s a small price to pay for the twinkle, the fragrance, and the memories. Happy Holidays!
Do you have any fun/funny tree stories to share?
I always wanted to create that Christmas magic for my family. Going to a farm to cut down our tree was one way I hoped to accomplish this when my children were growing up. So I would bundle up 4 children and a reluctant husband and we would go traipsing through the snow to find the perfect tree. And yes, I was picky. Then came the chore of getting the tree in the house and set up, almost never done without complaining of many. Then it was time to decorate the tree with lights and all the ornaments that we acquired over the years. Most had special meaning-from trips, memorable times or places, gifts from special people. (only one of my children, the author of this blog, could tell you the history of most of the ornaments).
As our children grew older, they had little time to spend looking for the perfect tree and the husband had no interest in doing so. I remember the last tree we cut down. My high school age daughters were playing hockey and could only go after practice, so we went late one afternoon. It was getting dark and it was very cold; we finally found the right tree, cut it and dragged it back to our car where we carefully tied it onto the roof. As we drove down the interstate on our way home, the tree started to slide forward onto the windshield, so we stopped and retied it, making it the rest of the way home without incident. Then we decided to set the tree up on our own. We got it up and all decorated; that night it fell over!
After that, I decided to buy my tree from a local person who sets up every year. The workers carefully tie my tree to the car and then I have someone help me get it into the house and into the tree stand. Tonight I decorated with the same ornaments that recall so many memories and good times at Christmas, while listening to my favorite Christmas carols. I can’t wait to have my children and grandchildren here to celebrate this wonderful family holiday. I don’t think I will ever be ready for an artificial tree.
So happy to have found your wonderful blog!! And very cool to learn that we are neighbors. Maybe a coffee date to talk shop in the new year? 🙂