Six–Nantucket, MA

This morning I crossed a cobblestone street and walked through the graceful pointed arch doorway at St. Mary’s Church.  It was the same arch that I passed under in my wedding dress six years ago today. Unlike the brilliant sunny day that we were graced with then, today was foggy and cool. It’s hard to believe that so much has happened (I held the hand of my toddler as we walked into church today) in just six years–a new city, new jobs, and a new addition to our family.  This morning I was reminded why I love the power of a building, of a specific place, and of course; of photographs, as they help us travel back in time and provide an anchor for our memories. They can also draw a quick smile–the facial expressions of our wedding party in the bottom photo just make me laugh out loud every time I see it!

Happy six to my hubby…I’m  looking forward to many more adventures in the next six+ years too!  XO

Photos courtesy of the wonderful Brea McDonald

Brea - July 12, 2013 - 9:15 am

Was this really in 2007!!! I can’t believe it! Such a great treat to see your wedding day again! Cheers to many more years!