Whew! I’ve been ignoring the blog as we rarely have internet on the road, but I’m finally able to post–apologies for the silence. It’s been interesting over the last few weeks to observe the holidays in a place far from New England. Christmas parties in Australia started in early November–with no celebration of Thanksgiving, the holiday toasting begins much earlier! With my mom and sister visiting over Turkey Day, we gobbled up our roasted chicken (with stuffing!) alongside Merry Christmas napkins. I haven’t been able to grocery shop without Christmas carols since the end of October. Another major difference, aside from the balmy temps, is that it stays light until 9pm now…which makes stringing up Christmas lights a bit pointless. To top it off, the end of the school year was today. Happy summer everyone!
Anyway, maybe it’s because I’ve been missing the snowy sidewalks of the Northeast (?), but I’ve been spotting red and green all over the place…and even found some live wild mistletoe in New Zealand this week. Here is some holiday red from Bali. Happy Holidays wherever you are!