Happy Friday! We head VERY far south for today’s image…to Buenos Aires. Commonly referred to as the Paris of South America, the gorgeous 19th century architecture, delicious food and wine, and charming locals make it a must see. It’s tempting to spend an entire trip in Buenos Aires, but the Argentine landscape is as stunning and diverse as the U.S.– it’s a short flight from funky BA to beautiful Mendoza vineyards, deep blue Patagonia glaciers, and stark desert.
If you’re not yet aware, I love to photograph buildings. I drive my husband nuts when we travel because I’m always lagging about 400 paces behind him, framing some random bench and wall that have piqued my interest. Or I’ve framed out the photo that I want and I patiently wait until the image is void of people. I love the texture and grit of this photo–I could have removed the garbage, but chose to leave it as it is quite common in this La Boca neighborhood.
What is your favorite city to photograph? Why? Don’t be shy…chime in!
La Boca Bench, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008
I recognized the brilliant colors of Boca immediately, and it brought back fond memories of an afternoon drinking beer in an outdoor cafe in Boca and making Courtney dance with the tango dancer on stage. Remind me to show you those photos sometime – she’ll be mortified. BA and Argentina as a whole are a wonderful place to visit. Thanks for bringing back memories of that trip!
I love photographing Paris! Love this photo!