Happy St. Patrick’s Day from NYC. The sweet sound of bagpipers are drifting through our neighborhood as helicopters fly overhead for the parade. Here’s my own little photographic version of the Irish flag…
Green–Palm Leaf–Bali, Indonesia
White–Art deco ceiling detail–Napier, New Zealand
Orange–Farmer’s market carrots–Tasmania, Australia
My family is very Irish American; in fact, that is my entire heritage. We did a huge Haymaker’s Jig at my wedding, sing at the piano with the O’Keefe Irish Song book at every possible family gathering (the in-laws hide in the kitchen), and try to incorporate important lessons that my Irish grandfather–who lived to be 101–imparted (“a shot a day keeps the doctor away.”) My two year old daughter’s favorite song of late is Whiskey in the Jar. That’s normal, right? However you celebrate, Happy March 17th!