It may have taken me a year to blog about this session (can blog sessions be like wedding presents? Under the wire at 51 weeks?!), but the amazing fall weather and colorful foliage reminded me to finally post it!
I met this adorable Upper West Side family on a crisp Halloween morning near the lake in Central Park. To take advantage of the softest light, I hold my morning sessions early. As a result, we had the park mostly to ourselves–which was a miracle considering that it was also marathon weekend! These three running and giggling sisters-along with the bursting fall foliage-made for a fun and vibrant session. We explored some hidden pathways, captured the stunning yellow reflections on the lake as the twins told each other funny secrets (I swear, this color isn’t photoshopped!), and spent some time on the rustic bridle path as well. There is no limit to backgrounds or hidden nooks when you are photographing in Central Park! As someone who has two sisters (and an often left out brother), I loved capturing the bond between between these three.
This session was an auction donation for my daughter’s wonderful preschool, and it’s always a treat to contribute something to the school and work with new families in return! C, J, K, M+V, it was a pleasure to work with you all and I can’t wait to meet sister #4 after Thanksgiving!
If you love this fall color, I’m holding sessions in Central Park on the weekend October 29th- get in touch to schedule!